We feed our fish to maximize and enhance their vibrant colors, growth, and longevity. Koi and goldfish are omnivorous opportunistic feeders that need a balanced diet of protein and plant matter. Here are some tips:
1. It's better to under feed than over feed.
2. During warmer months, feed when water is cooler (a.m.) and in cooler months feed when water is warmer (afternoon/ early evening)
3. Allow 5-10 minutes for fish to consume their food. Remove uneaten food.
4. Feed Wheat based diets during cooler months and Staple or Color enhancing during warmer months.
5. Multiple smaller feedings are better than one or two larger ones.
What Should you Feed Your Pond Fish?
1. Commercial Fish Food- flakes (for small fish) or sticks/pellets (preferred). Feed a Wheat based diet for Spring and Fall (cooler months) and Staple/Growth or Color Enhancing for the Summer (warmer months). Smaller fish need a smaller pellet size than larger fish- if you a variety of fish- mixing fish foods is fine to do. There are also commercially made fish treats that you can feed your fish weekly.
2. Pond Plants- fish will eat algae, bugs, and some of your pond plants. Don’t get mad at them, just provide additional plants for that reason.
3. Fresh Foods- feed fresh foods weekly during the warm months as a supplement or treat. It may take time for your fish to get used to their new diet so try several times until they eat what you feed them. Remove uneaten fish food and do not allow fresh foods to rot in your pond (rotting food may promote algae blooms).

Fresh Foods to Feed Your Fish:
Fruit: Watermelon or grapefruit slices, Orange Halves
Veggies: Whole Lettuce/Romaine, Squashes, Spinach
Meat: Fresh Earth Worms, Krill, Shrimp & Prawns with Peels & Tails
Grains: Wheat Germ, Cheerios, Wheat/Brown Bread
What to AVOID Feeding Your Fish- Meat, Corn, Pasta, White Bread, Candies, Potatoes, Dairy Products, Peas (they usually rot if not eaten)
How Often and How Much Should I feed my Koi & Goldfish?
How Much should you Feed your Fish? As much as they will eat in about a 5-minute period. Throw out a small pinch or handful to start, depending upon how many fish you have. If they eat it all, give them some more, repeating if needed. Do this for 5 minutes or so each time you feed. Remove uneaten fish food when you can.
Spring: We start feeding our fish sometime in April (weather depending) a wheat -based diet that their system can more easily digest. We gradually feed our fish building up to feeding every day once the weather is steady and warm (Over 65 deg F). Spring feedings are 1-3 times a week, feeding on warmer days and alternate days.
Late Spring/Summer: Once we hit May (weather dependent), then feed with Staple/Growth food daily, then increasing up to 2-3 times in June, July and August (although 1-2 times can be enough). Do not over feed. Avoid feeding on really hot days.
Fall: In September we slow down to feeding daily, switching to Wheat Food and then alternating to every other day, reducing to 1-3 times a week in October. Usually after Halloween we do not feed our fish until the following spring.
Winter: Fish are “dormant” and cannot metabolize protein during winter. If your fish seem active during cooler months, you can feed “Cheerios” on warm days if they are active and will eat it. Always remove uneaten food.

Water Temperature = # Daily Feedings
Under 50°F do not feed 50-55°F 1-2 times a week
55 – 60°F 2-3 times a week 60 – 65°F 3-4 times a week
65 – 70°F once daily 70 – 75°F 2 times a day
75 – 85°F 2-3 times a day 85 – 90°F once daily
above 90°F 0 do not feed
Just remember the golden rule: it's better to under feed than overfeed! Take out uneaten food before it spoils the water-adding to algae blooms. Healthy Water=Healthy Fish